Press Number of traffic accident fatalities expected to increase significantly to roughly 2,790 in 2022

Press release No. 512 of 5 December 2022

  • Approximately 4% more road traffic accidents than expected in 2021 but fewer than in 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Number of persons injured expected to rise by roughly 9% on 2021 but will remain below pre-pandemic level as well

WIESBADEN – The number of people who died in traffic accidents in Germany is expected to increase by roughly 9% in 2022 compared with the previous year after having fallen to a historical low in 2021. According to estimates of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) based on data available for the period January to September 2022, the number of people killed in road traffic accidents is expected to increase by more than 220 compared with 2021 to about 2,790.


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