Press Employment continued to rise in October 2022

Number of persons in employment up 0.1% on the previous month

Press release No. 500 of 30 November 2022

Persons in employment resident in Germany, October 2022
+0.1% on the previous month (seasonally adjusted)
+0.2% on the previous month (not seasonally adjusted)
+0.9% on the same month a year earlier

WIESBADEN – Roughly 45.7 million persons resident in Germany were in employment in October 2022. According to provisional calculations of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the seasonally adjusted number of persons in employment rose by 32,000 (+0.1%) on the previous month. This means that the seasonally adjusted employment growth was more notable in October 2022, following marginal changes in the preceding three months.


Adjusted unemployment rate remained at 3.0% in October 2022

According to results of the labour force survey, 1.30 million people were unemployed in October 2022. That was a decrease of 67,000, or 4.9%, on October 2021. The unemployment rate was 2.9% (October 2021: 3.1%).

Adjusted for seasonal and irregular effects due, for instance, to weather conditions or strike, the number of unemployed stood at 1.33 million, which was almost the same level as in September 2022 (-1,700 people; -0.1%). The adjusted unemployment rate remained unchanged at 3.0% in October 2022.

For further information please refer to the German version of the press release.

More information:

A table containing monthly results on the number of persons in employment as from 2017 (unadjusted values and seasonally adjusted values) from the employment accounts is shown on the employment page of the Federal Statistical Office’s website. Tables containing unemployment results from the labour force survey including the unemployment rate are available on the unemployment page. Detailed data and long time series are provided in the GENESIS-Online database. Data on persons in employment from the employment accounts are available in tables 13321-0001 (months), 13321-0002(quarters) and 81000-0011 (years). Data on persons in employment and unemployed persons from the labour force survey can be found in tables 13231-0001 to 13231-0003 (months).

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