Press Heating with wood: firewood and wood pellet prices up 86% in August 2022 year on year

Press release No. N 059 of 22 September 2022

  • Producer prices of wood chips and pellets rose above average in August 2022
  • Foreign trade with firewood and wood pellets decreased in volume terms from March to July 2022
  • Wood used mainly as secondary heating energy source in new residential buildings

WIESBADEN – In view of rising gas, oil and electricity prices, more and more people use wood as an alternative material to heat their dwellings. When purchasing wood for heating stoves or heating systems, consumers had to pay considerably more in August 2022 than a year earlier. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the prices of firewood and wood pellets rose 85.7% in August 2022 compared with the same month a year earlier and thus considerably more than overall consumer prices, which were up 7.9% in the same period. Reasons for the above-average price rise for firewood and wood pellets are an increase in demand as well as higher purchase prices and transport costs in the wood industry.


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