Press Petrol and diesel fuel cost more in Germany again than in all neighbouring EU countries

Press release No. N 057 of 12 September 2022

  • Fuel discount ending: prices at petrol stations up since mid-August
  • Petrol cost less than before the fuel discount was introduced at the end of May, diesel fuel cost more

WIESBADEN - As the fuel discount ended, motor fuel prices in Germany went up once more, with filling stations in Germany again charging more for petrol and diesel fuel recently than the petrol stations in all EU countries neighbouring Germany. Drivers in Germany paid 2.07 euros (daily average) for a litre of E5 supergrade petrol and 2.16 euros for a litre of diesel fuel on 5 September 2022. This is reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) according to data from the European Commission. Compared with Germany’s immediate neighbours, the price of one litre of E5 supergrade petrol (or Eurosuper 95) was similarly high that day only in Denmark (2.04 euros) and the Netherlands (2.01 euros). The difference is even larger for diesel fuel. In Denmark, the country with the highest diesel fuel prices among Germany’s EU neighbours, a litre of diesel fuel cost 2.07 euros and thus 9 cent less than in Germany, while in the Netherlands it cost 2.05 euros, or 11 cents less.



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