Press Crafts sector in 2020: 5.4 million persons employed achieve turnover of 651 billion euros

Press release No. 412 of 28 September 2022

WIESBADEN – In 2020, approximately 5.4 million people in Germany worked in crafts with compulsory or non-compulsory approval. This included roughly 4.1 million employees subject to social insurance and about 687,300 marginally paid employees. Based on the census of crafts, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the roughly 560,400 craft enterprises generated turnover of about 651 billion euros. The crafts sector thus accounted for 9.5% of the turnover generated in the overall economy, which was 0.6 percentage points more than a year earlier (2019: 8.9%).


Detailed results on the structure of crafts are contained in the tables on the census of crafts (53111) of the GENESIS-Online database.

Further results are published in Fachserie 4, Reihe 7.2 up to 2019 (only in German). The Fachserie 4, Reihe 7.2 has been discontinued since 2020."

The statistical offices of the Länder publish detailed results on the Länder.

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