Press Vocational training in the dual system: number of new apprenticeship contracts remained at a historically low level in 2021

Although 0.6% more apprenticeship contracts were concluded in 2021 year on year, the figure was still 9% below the pre-pandemic level

Press release No. 363 of 30 August 2022

WIESBADEN – The number of new apprenticeship contracts remained at a historically low level in 2021. A total of 466,200 new apprenticeship contracts were concluded within the dual system (enterprise/vocational school). The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that, as a result, the number of new contracts was 0.6% higher than in 2020, the first Covid-19 year. However, it was still 9% below the figure for 2019, the year before the crisis, when more than 500,000 new contracts were registered. At the end of 2021, a total of 1,255,400 people were in vocational training in the dual system in the whole of Germany. This was a decrease of 3% on a year earlier.


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