Press Good apple yield expected for 2022: ten-year average likely to be exceeded by 8.2%

First estimates suggest a below-average plum yield

Press release No. 352 of 18 August 2022

WIESBADEN - Apples remain by far the largest group of orchard fruit harvested in Germany. The fruit growers expect a good apple yield of approximately 1,051,000 tonnes in 2022. Based on an estimate of July 2022, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the apple yield is expected to be nearly 46,000 tonnes, or 4.6%, higher than a year earlier. The quantity of apples harvested this year is estimated to exceed the ten-year average by 80,000 tonnes, or 8.2%. The fruit growers are hoping for above-average apple yields because there is a lot of fruit on the trees this year and, as a result of the weather conditions, a low incidence of disease and pests has so far been observed.

Plum and damson yields expected to fall short of the average of the last ten years

The plum and damson yields are expected to amount to well over 42,000 tonnes this year and thus will be 6.4% higher than in the previous year (just under 40,000 tonnes).

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