Press 9-euro ticket: More rail transport especially in rural tourist regions

Press release No. 339 of 11 August 2022

  • Again markedly more travels in rail transport over distances of 30 or more kilometres compared with 2019 since the introduction of the 9-euro ticket
  • Travels in rail transport increased especially in rural areas with a high level of tourism
  • Travels in road transport over distances of 30 or more kilometres in June and July at pre-crisis level of 2019 in the whole of Germany

WIESBADEN - The number of travels in rail transport over distances of 30 kilometres or more was markedly above the level of July of pre-crisis year 2019 also in the second month after the 9-euro ticket was introduced for the whole of Germany. In July 2022, as in the month before, an average 42% more travels were made than in the relevant month of 2019. Travels in road transport in the whole of Germany remained at roughly the same level as in the same period of 2019. These all-German results suggest a general increase in travels. This is shown by an experimental ad-hoc evaluation of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis).



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