Press Inflation rates in the three EFTA states of Iceland, Norway, Switzerland lower than in the European Union

Price level of household energy in Iceland, Norway and Switzerland lower than in Germany

Press release No. 334 of 8 August 2022

WIESBADEN – High inflation rates have posed serious challenges to all European countries in the last few months. There are however considerable differences between the countries regarding both inflation rates and price levels. The EFTA countries of Iceland, Norway and Switzerland are currently less seriously affected by the unusually high inflation. Compared with the EU and Germany, current price rises are relatively moderate in these three countries. The Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) in June 2022 was +9.6% in the EU and +8.2% in Germany, whereas the price increase was +7.0% in Norway, +5.4% in Iceland and +3.2% in Switzerland.


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