Press Fertility rate in 2021 up for the first time since 2017

Press release No. 326 of 3 August 2022

  • Marked increase in total fertility rate to 1.58 children per woman
  • Mothers were 30.5 years old and fathers 33.3 years when their first child was born

WIESBADEN – In 2021 the number of newborns was 795,492. Compared with 2020, the number of newborn babies increased by roughly 22,000. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the total fertility rate was up for the first time since 2017, that is, from 1.53 children per woman in 2020 to 1.58 children per woman in 2021. One reason for this increase is probably the relatively stable situation in the labour market together with the special situation during the Covid-19 pandemic at the time of conception. Within the year, fertility was up especially in the first and fourth quarter of 2021.



Basic data and long time series are available in tables Birth statistics (12612) in the GENESIS-Online database.

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