Press Food price levels in many holiday countries differ considerably from the level in Germany

Data offered by the Federal Statistical Office allow price levels to be compared for selected foods and beverages

Press release No. N 040 of 1 July 2022

WIESBADEN – In view of rising food prices, it is worth taking a look at the price levels in popular holiday countries at the beginning of the holiday season. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the price levels of food and non-alcoholic beverages in many European countries differed significantly from the level in Germany in April 2022. Among all European holiday countries selected, the price level was highest in Switzerland where it was 54% higher than the level in Germany. In the northern European countries of Norway (+42%) and Iceland (+40%), too, food was markedly more expensive than in Germany. In the neighbour countries of France (+1%) and Austria (+2%), consumers had to pay little more for food than here. Shopping for holiday meals will be particularly cheap in Poland (-30% compared with Germany) and Hungary (-17%).


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