Press Per capita costs of illness for men and women continue to converge

Press release No. 316 of 27 July 2022

  • Per capita costs for women on average were about 21% higher than for men in 2020 (2002: 38%)
  • Diseases of the circulatory system entailed costs of 56.7 billion euros
  • The population aged 65 years or over accounted for more than half of the costs of illness

WIESBADEN – In 2020, illnesses and health problems caused costs of 431.8 billion euros in Germany. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the costs of illness thus rose by a total of 28% compared with 2015. In the years from 2015 to 2020, the average per capita costs increased by 25% to 5,190 euros. At 5,690 euros, they were about 1,000 euros higher for women than for men in 2020. Over time, however, the per capita costs for men and women have steadily converged. In 2002, the per capita costs for women were 38% higher than those for men, compared with 27% in 2008, 22% in 2015, and 21% in 2020.


Basic data and long time series are available in tables Cost of illness "23631" in the GENESIS-Online database.

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