Press Strawberry harvest expected to be the lowest in 24 years

Asparagus yield also declining: –5% on the previous year

Press release No. 310 of 21 July 2022

WIESBADEN – The quantities of strawberries harvested this summer are expected to be the lowest in 24 years. According to a provisional estimate of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the harvest of outdoor strawberries is expected to yield approximately 91,300 tonnes in the whole of Germany. This is the lowest yield since 1998, when 81,500 tonnes of strawberries were harvested. As a result, this year's harvest is expected to be 5% lower than the 2021 strawberry harvest (roughly 96,000 tonnes), which was already very small compared to previous years. An average of 115,600 tonnes was harvested in the years from 2016 to 2021. One reason for this development is that the outdoor areas cultivated with strawberries have decreased to about 9,700 hectares in the whole of Germany. This is the lowest level since turn of the millennium, and a decline of 9% compared with 2021. The decrease in area may also be due to sinking demand for domestically produced strawberries.

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