Press Roughly 23,700 prostitutes registered with authorities at the end of 2021

Fewer registered prostitutes than before the Covid-19 pandemic also in 2021

Press release No. 277 of 1 July 2022

WIESBADEN – At the end of 2021, approximately 23,700 prostitutes had valid registrations with the authorities in Germany in accordance with the Prostitute Protection Act (ProstSchG). This was a decrease of 5% compared with a year earlier. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that at the end of 2021, as in the preceding year, 2,290 prostitution businesses had been granted a permit or had a provisional permit under the Act, which entered into force on 1 July 2017. The statistics contain information on registrations and permits under the provisions of the Prostitute Protection Act. Non-registered businesses and prostitutes are not recorded in the statistics.


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