Press 2.2 million photovoltaic power stations installed in Germany

Press release No. N 037 of 21 June 2022

  • Capacity of 58,400 megawatts installed in March 2022 – an increase of just under 10% from the same month a year earlier
  • Electricity from photovoltaics fed into the grid in the 1st quarter of 2022 up 34.7% on the 1st quarter of 2021

WIESBADEN – Increasing numbers of enterprises and households use solar energy for electricity production. In March 2022, there were 2.2 million photovoltaic power systems installed on roofs or the ground, providing a total net capacity of 58,400 megawatts. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the number of power stations increased by 10.1% from the same month a year earlier; the installed capacity rose by 9.7% year on year. In January 2018, when the information was first collected, there were just over 1.7 million power stations with a net capacity of 42.300 megawatts. Since then, the number of power stations has risen by just under 34.0%, the installed capacity is up by 38.3%.




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