Press Public health service: number of staff with an open-end contract up 14% during the Covid-19 pandemic until the end of 2021

Press release No. 260 of 22 June 2022

  • At least 21,460 people had an open-end employment contract in the public health service at the end of 2021 – that was 2,615 more than when the pandemic started
  • 2,290 new open-end positions in full-time equivalents have been created and filled – the Federation and the Länder thus have achieved their goal from the Pact for the Public Health Service

WIESBADEN – At the end of 2021, at least 21,460 people had an open-end employment contract in the public health service in Germany. This corresponds to 17,770 full-time equivalents, that is, persons employed when converted to the full collectively agreed working hours. Based on results of a survey commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Health, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the number of people with an open-end employment contract in the authorities covered rose by 2,615 (+14%), or 2,405 full-time equivalents (+16%), compared with reference date 31 January 2020. The actual increase in staff at the local public health offices and other public health service authorities is assumed to be higher than the figures determined because only 383 of the 427 surveyed authorities provided data on both reference dates.

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