Press Germany's population grew slightly in 2021

Press release No. 251 of 20 June 2022

  • After declining in 2020, net immigration almost reached pre-covid level
  • Excess of deaths over births continued to rise
  • Higher share of foreigners and average age

WIESBADEN – Germany’s population rose by 0.1%, or 82,000 people in 2021 after having remained almost unchanged a year earlier (-12,000 people). The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports on the basis of intercensal population updates that just over 83.2 million people were living in Germany at the end of 2021, more than before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019. This development is mainly due to an increase in net immigration, which rose to 317,000 in 2021 according to provisional results (2020: 220,000), approaching the level attained before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic (2019: 327,000). The excess of deaths over births increased further to 228,000 (2020: 212,000) over the same period.


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