Press Volume of waste slightly down in Covid year 2020

0.6% less waste than in 2019 – recycling rate unchanged at 70.1%

Press release No. 229 of 3 June 2022

WIESBADEN – In the Covid year of 2020, 414.0 million tonnes of waste was disposed of in Germany, according to provisional results. This was a decline of 0.6% or 2.5 million tonnes compared with 2019. To coincide with the World Environment Day on 5 June 2022, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the recycling rate was unchanged in 2020. 70.1% of total waste was recycled, the same percentage as in the previous year. Another 11.6% was recovered for energetic purposes, that is for instance, incinerated in waste-fuelled power plants and used for electricity and heat production.

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