Press Ticket prices in short-distance transport up 19% on 2015

Press release No. N 031 of 23 May 2022

  • Slightly higher long-term increase in short-distance transport prices than in total consumer prices
  • Households spent an average 24 euros per month on bus and rail tickets in 2020

WIESBADEN – In view of sharp rises in energy costs, the Federal Government intends to make public short-distance passenger transport more attractive by introducing a temporary 9-euro ticket. Significant rise in short-distance passenger transport prices since 2015. The prices of short-distance rail travels increased above average. They rose by 19.0% since 2015, which is a larger increase than that of total consumer prices (+16.2%), as reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). Ticket prices of combined passenger transport services were up 13.0%. This includes transport network tickets which permit the use of different means of transport such as buses, underground or regional trains. An example of this is the one-way or day ticket in network transport – prices for adults rose slightly below average (+14.4%) on 2015, prices of monthly tickets increased by 12.9%. The gradual price increase for short-distance transport tickets observed since 2015 was interrupted only briefly. In the second half of 2020, the temporary reduction of the value added tax rate had a downward effect on prices.


Detailed results can also be found in the tables on the consumer price index (61111-0006) in the GENESIS-Online database.

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