Press Covid year 2020: 40% fewer children and young people hospitalised because of alcohol abuse compared with the previous year

Press release No. N 024 of 6 May 2022

  • Fewer cases than in 2019 in all age groups, with particularly strong decline among  young people 
  • Risk of alcohol poisoning still highest for young people
  • Marked differences between the sexes

WIESBADEN – The number of people hospitalised because of alcohol abuse was down markedly in the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic as parties were cancelled, pubs and restaurants closed and contacts restricted. Roughly 12,200 children and young people aged 10 to under 20 years were treated on an in-patient basis in hospitals for acute alcohol abuse in Germany in 2020, according to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). This was a decrease of 39.7% from 2019, when the number of hospitalised children and young people had been 20,300.



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