Press Price levels in many holiday countries much lower than in Germany

Data offered by the Federal Statistical Office allow price levels to be compared for restaurant and hotel services

Press release No. N 017 of 5 April 2022

WIESBADEN – Higher energy and food prices reduce the budgets for holiday travel during the Easter and summer holidays. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the price levels of hotel and restaurant services in many popular holiday countries were significantly lower than in Germany in February 2022.
Among the European holiday countries selected, the price level was highest in Italian restaurants and hotels, but it was still 3% lower than the price level in Germany. Compared with Germany, tourists paid 17% less in Spain and 19% less in Cyprus for hotel and restaurant services. Prices were even lower in Greece (-21%) and Croatia (-24%), two EU countries that are very popular among tourists. In Malta and Portugal, prices were roughly 30% lower than in Germany. The prices of hotel stays and restaurant visits in Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Albania were about half those in Germany.


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