Press 66% of all mothers in employment work part-time, while the relevant proportion of fathers is only 7%

Press release No. N 012 of 7 March 2022

  • 75% of mothers are in employment; their share increased by five percentage points within ten years
  • The percentage of mothers of younger children working part-time in Germany is double the relevant average in the EU
  • More women are at risk of poverty than men

WIESBADEN – A large part of mothers in employment compromise on their work. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that two thirds (65.5%) of all mothers in employment worked part-time in 2020. The proportion of fathers in the same situation was only 7.1%. The overall situation did not change substantially within ten years. In 2010 the share of fathers working part-time was 5.4%, while that of mothers was 64.2%.


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