Press Retail turnover in February 2022 up 0.3% on the previous month

Press release No. 138 of 31 March 2022

Retail turnover, February 2022 (provisional, calendar and seasonally adjusted)
+0.3% on the previous month (in real terms)
+0.6% on the previous month (in nominal terms)
+7.0% on the same month a year earlier (in real terms)
+11.0% on the same month a year earlier (in nominal terms)

WIESBADEN – According to provisional results of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the real (price-adjusted) turnover of retail enterprises in Germany was 0.3% and the nominal (not price-adjusted) turnover was 0.6% higher, on a calendar and seasonally adjusted basis, in February 2022 compared with January 2022. After turnover had declined in December 2021, retail trade recovered in the first months of 2022 although the so-called “2G” regulation, which restricts access to shops, still applied. With increases of 7.0% in real terms and 11.0% in nominal terms, retail turnover was much higher in February 2022 than in February 2021. After calendar and seasonal adjustment, retail turnover in real terms was up by 4.4% in February 2022 from the pre-crisis month of February 2020.


Crisis Monitor enables comparison between corona crisis and financial and economic crisis

Retail turnover also forms part of the “Crisis Monitor“ (, by means of which the Federal Statistical Office compares the development of major short-term indicators in the corona crisis and the financial and economic crisis of 2008/2009. The "Crisis monitor" complements the Corona statistics webpage (, which provides statistical information on the economic and social consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.

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