Press Diesel fuel prices averaged 2.16 euros per litre on 20 March 2022

Federal Statistical Office publishes daily average prices of motor fuels at German filling stations now

Press release No. 132 of 25 March 2022

WIESBADEN – On 20 March 2022, the daily average price of Diesel fuel at filling stations was 2.16 euros per litre (including all legal duties). On 20 February 2022, that is, shortly before the Russian attack on Ukraine started, the daily average price had been 1.66 euros per litre. The price of E5 supergrade petrol averaged 2.14 euros, that of E10 supergrade petrol 2.09 euros on 20 March 2022. On 20 February 2022, the prices had been 1.80 euros per litre (E5) and 1.74 euros per litre (E10). The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) publishes daily average prices of Diesel, E5 and E10 in the Dashboard Germany (only in german) every week now. These data are provided by the Market Transparency Unit for Fuels (MTU Fuels) of the Bundeskartellamt (Federal Cartel Office). “The Federal Statistical Office is thus responding to the demand for up-to-date and reliable data on motor fuel prices from professionally independent sources”, said Dr. Georg Thiel, President of the Federal Statistical Office.


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