Press Advance turnover tax returns 2020: decrease of 3.9% on 2019

Only 562 enterprises generated 31.6% of the turnover of all companies

Press release No. 091 of 7 March 2022

WIESBADEN – Roughly 3 million enterprises in Germany submitted advance turnover tax returns with net turnover totalling 6.5 trillion euros in 2020. Supplies and services (turnover) decreased by 3.9% on 2019 according to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). The turnover tax advance payments resulting from the turnover reported totalled 173 billion euros in 2020. This was a decrease of 5.1% compared with a year earlier. One reason for the decrease are the turnover tax rates that were reduced from 19% to 16% and from 7% to 5% in the second half of 2020 because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Detailed data are available from the GENESIS-Online database table Turnover tax statistics 733311.

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