Press On the eve of the Olympic Games: Importance of China as a trading partner increased again in 2021

Press release No. N004 of 31 January 2022

  • Turnover of trade with China reached record high: from January to November 2021, just under 15% more than in the same period a year earlier
  • Imports from China reached record high
  • Chinese population in Germany almost doubled within ten years

WIESBADEN - The People's Republic of China is expected to remain Germany’s most important trading partner also in 2021 – for the sixth time in a row. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that goods to the value of 222.3 billion euros were traded between the two countries from January to November – more than in the whole year of 2020. Compared with the same period a year earlier, foreign trade turnover from exports and imports rose 14.7%. Especially imports from China rose considerably by 18.6% on the period January to November 2020, reaching a total of 127.1 billion euros. This was the highest figure since the statistics were first compiled. At the same time, more goods were exported from Germany to China (95.2 billion euros, +10.0%). The value of German imports from China thus exceeded the value of goods exported to China by 31.8 billion euros. China will host the coming Winter Olympics to take place in Peking, the Chinese capital, starting on 4 February.



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