Press 7.8 million low-wage jobs in April 2021  

Press release No. 586 of 20 December 2021

  • Just under 7.2 million employees would benefit from a minimum wage of 12 euros
  • The data do not include employees who exclusively received short-time working allowance

WIESBADEN – Slightly more than one in five persons in dependent employment (21%) worked in the low-wage sector in Germany in April 2021. This means that roughly 7.8 million jobs were low-wage jobs earning less than a gross 12.27 euros per hour. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that this was a decrease of just under 250,000 jobs compared with April 2018. The share of low-wage jobs as a proportion of all employment relationships remained unchanged. According to the international definition applied here, the low-wage sector includes all jobs earning less than two-thirds of the median earnings.

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