Press 2021 Bundestag Election: one in three people with a migrant background was entitled to vote

21.9 million people with a migrant background live in Germany, 7.9 million of whom are entitled to vote

Press release No. 463 of 1 October 2021

WIESBADEN – In 2020, 21.9 million people had a migrant background, representing 26.7% of the population in Germany. Based on data of the 2020 microcensus, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that roughly 7.9 million of those people were entitled to vote in the Bundestag election on 26 September 2021. This is about one third (36%) of all people with a migrant background and 13% of all persons entitled to vote. According to the definition used here, a person has a migrant background if he or she or at least one parent did not acquire German citizenship by birth.

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