Press Abortions in the 2nd quarter of 2021 down 8.5% year on year

Roughly 22,900 cases reported

Press release No. 455 of 28 September 2021

WIESBADEN – In the second quarter of 2021, roughly 22,900 abortions were reported in Germany. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the number of abortions decreased by 8.5% in the second quarter of 2021 on the second quarter of 2020. This means that a significant decrease was recorded again for the first quarter of 2021. In 2020, the year dominated by the coronavirus pandemic, abortions were down by just 0.9%. No clear cause of that decrease can be detected from the data reports or the data structure.

Basic data and long time series are available in tables Statistics of abortions (23311) in the GENESIS-Online database.

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