Press Staff employed in day care for children up 3.2% in 2021 on the previous year

Press release No. 449 of 23 September 2021

• A total of 751,159 persons were employed in child day care
• Proportion of men has almost doubled to 7.4% since 2011
• Number of children in day care aged under three years decreased for the first time since the time series began

WIESBADEN - Compared with a year earlier, the number of persons employed in day care for children increased by 23,435, or 3.2%, to stand at a total of 751,159 on 1 March 2021. 708,136 people were employed as educational staff or management and administrative staff in day care centres, and 43,023 were engaged in publicly supported childminding services. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that another 110,165 people worked as housekeeping or technical staff in day care centres. While the number of persons employed increased, the number of children in day care, who were aged under three years, decreased for the first time since the time series began in 2006. Measured as at 1 March 2021, the number of children in day care centres or taken care of by child minders was down by 2.3% from the previous year. A year-on-year comparison shows that the percentage of children in child care who were aged under three years and that of children aged three to six years decreased by 0.6 percentage points each.

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