Press Life expectancy in Germany almost unchanged

Life expectancy stagnates, mainly because of high death figures during the coronavirus pandemic

Press release No. 331 of 9 July 2021

WIESBADEN – According to the results of the life table for 2018/2020, the average life expectancy of newborn girls is now 83.4 years and that of newborn boys is 78.6. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the life expectancy of newborns changed only very slightly compared with the previous life table for 2017/2019: by +0.01 years for boys and by +0.04 years for girls. The main reason why life expectancy has almost stagnated are the exceptionally high death figures at the end of 2020 during the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Before, the life expectancy of newborns had always increased by an average 0.1 years for both sexes since it was first calculated for the years 2007/2009.

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