Press Increasing number of adopted infants and young children

Press release No. 316 of 5 July 2021

  • Proportion of adopted children under the age of 3 increasing to 48%, mainly due to adoptions of stepchildren
  • Continuing decline in international adoptions

WIESBADEN – In 2020, nearly one in two children (48%) of the total of 3,774 children adopted were infants or young children aged under three years. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the proportion of adopted children under the age of three increased again by two percentage points compared with a year earlier. This means that the trend to adopt more infants and young children has continued. Ten years ago, only about one in three adopted children (32%) belonged to that age group. Since then, the total of adoptions (4,021 cases) has declined by 6% (-247 cases).



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