Press Proportion of people of retirement age continuing to work doubled in ten years

Press release No. N 041 of 24 June 2021

• For more than one third of the over 65 year olds paid work was essential to cover their living expenses in 2019
• The 20 to 64 year old labour force is expected to be down 14% in 2060, while immigration is moderate and the labour force participation increasing
• The old-age dependency ratio is rising: in 2030 the number of persons of retirement age will be 47 per 100 people of working age; the number was 37 in 2020

WIESBADEN – The retirement age of people in employment has been continuously raised. As of 2012 the retirement age is gradually increasing from 65 to 67 years until 2031. Most recently, a subsequent rise to 68 has been under discussion. Even today, the number of older people who are in employment is much higher than ten years ago. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that 8% of the people older than 65 years in Germany were in employment in 2019. In 2009, that proportion was only 4%.

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