Press Electricity production in the 1st quarter of 2021: again more electricity from conventional energy sources

Electricity produced from wind declined by almost one third due to still days in spring

Press release No. 275 of 11 June 2021

WIESBADEN – In the first quarter of 2021, a total of 138.2 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity were produced and fed into the grid in Germany. According to provisional results of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), this was a 2.6% decline on the first quarter of 2020. While the majority of electricity came from renewable energy sources in the first quarter of 2020 (51.4%), 59.3% of electricity came from conventional energy sources in the first quarter of 2021. Compared with the same quarter of the previous year, the amount of electricity fed in from conventional energy sources was up by 18.9%. Electricity fed in from renewable energy sources was down by 23.0%.

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