Press Vegetarian and vegan food: production in 2020 up by more than a third on the previous year

Press release No. N 033 of 14 May 2021

WIESBADEN – Hot dog or tofu sausage, pork chops or seitan steak? An increasing number of consumers seem to opt for the vegetarian or vegan alternative. In 2020, businesses in Germany produced nearly 39% more meat substitute products than a year earlier. According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the production increased from just under 60.4 thousand tonnes to well above 83.7 thousand tonnes. The value of the products rose from 272.8 million euros to 374.9 million euros (+37%) over the same period. As such data have been collected only since 2019, a year-on-year comparison is now possible for the first time.

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