Press Exports of raw timber up 42.6% in 2020

Press release No. N 031 of 10 May 2021

  • Roughly half (50.6%) of the total 12.7 million cubic metres exported were sent to China
  • Producer prices of raw timber far below the level of previous years: -27.3% in February 2021 compared with 2015
  • Amount of timber logged reached record high in 2020
  • Mills for sawing, planing and impregnating wood saw increases in turnover: +18.3% in 2020 compared with 2015

WIESBADEN – The construction boom during the coronavirus pandemic boosted the demand for timber as a building material in Germany and abroad. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that Germany exported a total of 12.7 million cubic metres of raw timber worth 845 million euros in 2020. In terms of quantity, this was an increase of more than a third (42.6%) compared with 2019. The growth in exports did not continue at the beginning of 2021. Compared with the same period a year earlier, the quantities exported dropped by 12.4% to 1.5 million cubic metres (value: 100 million euros) in January and February 2021.



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