Press Gender pay gap 2020: women earned 18% less than men

Earnings difference averaging 4.16 euros per hour in gross terms

Press release No. 106 of 9 March 2021

WIESBADEN – Women in Germany earned 18% less than men in 2020. The earnings difference between men and women, the unadjusted gender pay gap, was one percentage point lower than in 2019. It has to be noted that special effects due to short-time work in the coronavirus crisis may have had an impact on the change of the unadjusted gender pay gap. To mark the Equal Pay Day on 10 March 2021, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports on the basis of updated results from the structure of earnings survey that women earned an average 18.62 euros per hour in gross terms in 2020, that is 4.16 euros less than men (22.78 euros). In 2019 the difference was 4.28 euros.

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