Press Electricity production in 2020: 5.9% less electricity fed into the grid than in 2019

Wind power replaced coal as most important energy source – proportion of renewable energy sources rose to 47%

Press release No. 101 of 5 March 2021

WIESBADEN – In 2020, a total of 502.6 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity were produced and fed into the grid in Germany. According to provisional results of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), this was a 5.9% decline on 2019. At least part of that decrease is due to the low demand for electricity as a result of the lockdown to contain the corona pandemic in spring 2020. The proportion of renewable energy sources of total electricity produced and fed into the grid in Germany reached a new record high. It rose from 42.3% in 2019 to 47.0% in 2020. Wind power reached 25.6%, which means that a renewable energy source for the first time accounted for the largest proportion of electricity fed into the grid within one year, replacing coal as the most important energy source. In 2020, 5.4% more electricity was produced from wind power than in 2019, when the proportion had been 22.8%.

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