Press Building permits between January and November 2020: 59% of dwellings in multi-family houses

Press release No. N 015 of 25 February 2021

• Proportion of dwellings completed in multi-family houses higher than ever since 1997
• New construction of single-family and two-family houses has stagnated since 2005
• Single-family houses completed in 2019 have 16% more living floor space than in 1999
• Number of single-family houses in 2019 lowest in Stuttgart, highest in major towns of East Frisian administrative districts

WIESBADEN – Housing and construction are facing an increasing conflict between desired comfort, rising costs and ecological requirements. This is reflected by the data on new residential buildings, the majority of which have been multi-family houses recently. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that among the total of 288,000 dwellings for which building permits were granted from January to November 2020, there will be 169,000 dwellings in multi-family houses. That is a proportion of 59%. Another 109,000 building permits regarded dwellings in single-family and two-family houses - a proportion of 38%.


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