Press Recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment up 10.8% in 2019

Increased quantity of waste equipment, but recycling rate remained nearly unchanged from 2018

Press release No. 064 of 12 February 2021

WIESBADEN - In 2019, 947,100 tonnes of waste electrical and electronic equipment were recycled, otherwise recovered or disposed of in Germany. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the quantity of waste equipment that was accepted for primary treatment rose by 11,0%, or 94,000 tonnes, compared with 2018. The recycling rate, that is, the equipment recycled or prepared for re-use as a proportion of all equipment accepted, remained nearly unchanged at 85.4% (2018: 85.6%). Overall, 808,400 tonnes of waste electrical and electronic equipment were recycled, which was an increase of 78,600 tonnes, or 10.8%, on 2018.


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