Press Continuing structural change in agriculture

Transition to organic farming continues: proportion of organic area increases to 9.6%

Press release No. 028 of 21 January 2021

WIESBADEN – The number of agricultural holdings in Germany has declined by 12% to 263,500 since the last Census of Agriculture in 2010. The utilised agricultural area remained almost unchanged at 16.6 million hectares (-1%). In 2020 the average utilised agricultural area of an agricultural holding was 63 hectares, which was an increase of 13% on 10 years earlier when a holding cultivated on average 56 hectares of land. This is a major result of the press conference on “Agricultural change – First results of the 2020 Census of Agriculture” held by the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder in Wiesbaden on 21 January 2021. As the survey periods and dates of the 2020 Census of Agriculture refer to 1 March 2020 or earlier points in time, the census results do not reflect any effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Agricultural structure surveys and register of holdings

Phone: + 49 611 75 8607

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