Press Temporary work in 2018: median gross hourly earnings 24% below those of the total economy

Median gross earnings of temporary agency workers amounted to 12.66 euros per hour

Press release No. 503 of 14 December 2020

WIESBADEN – In April 2018, the median earnings of temporary employees amounted to 12.66 euros per hour. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that this was 3.92 euros or nearly a quarter (24%) less than the median gross hourly earnings in the economy as a whole (16.58 euros). The proportion of low-wage jobs, too, was much higher in the temporary work branch (a good third or 34% of all jobs) than in the total economy where only a good fifth (21%) of all jobs were low-wage jobs (gross pay of less than 11.05 euros per hour).




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