Press Coronavirus crisis: experimental data reflect current buying behaviour

A special evaluation shows: sanitary product and food sales largely back to normal after the beginning of the partial lockdown

Press release No. 460 of 19 November 2020

WIESBADEN – Since the partial lockdown in Germany came into effect on 2 November 2020, the demand for selected sanitary products and food has declined. An ad-hoc evaluation of experimental data by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) shows that sales of sanitary products such as soap, disinfectants and toilet tissue, which have been in high demand during the coronavirus crisis, each were markedly lower in Week 45 and 46 (2 to 14 November 2020) than in the previous two weeks. While toilet tissue sales in Week 44 were nearly twice as high (+84%) as the average in the pre-crisis months of August 2019 to January 2020, sales in Week 46 were even slightly below the pre-crisis average (-13%).


Sales of selected consumer goods - Percentage changes compared to the period August 2019 to January 2020 in %
ProduktWeek 10Week 11Week 41Week 42Week 43Week 44Week 45Week 46
Toilet paper99131...21901398413-13
Strained tomatoes88206...26024441210
Canned vegetables59137...7-12-141135

Methodological note:
The data are based on new data sources and methods. Digital point-of-sale data. also referred to as scanner data. were evaluated for this purpose. Evaluations of this kind are experimental in character and form part of a project on "Experimental data". which is undertaken by the Federal Statistical Office to test new data sources and methods. Selected project results are available at

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