Press Increasing interest in nursing care occupations: 71,300 people started an apprenticeship training in 2019

Press release No. N 070 of 28 October 2020

  • Number of new apprentices up 39% since 2009
  • Proportion of men increased from 19% in 2009 to 25% in 2019

WIESBADEN – Now that the current collective bargaining process in the public sector has been completed, nursing staff can be expected to get more money and a “corona bonus”. The working conditions in (geriatric) nursing, namely the high burden involved and the lack of trained staff, have been a focus of attention even before the coronavirus crisis. However, nursing care occupations were highly popular among new apprentices even before. The Federal Statistical Office (Detatis) reports that not less than 71,300 people started an apprenticeship training in a nursing care occupation in 2019. That was an increase of 5,400, or 8.2%, compared with a year earlier. Roughly 44,900 people completed successfully their nursing care apprenticeship last year.


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