Press Corona crisis has hit the restaurant industry hard: turnover in March to August 2020 was down 40.5% from the same period a year earlier

Press release No. N 067 of 26 October 2020

  • The number of persons employed dropped by 17.6% in March to August 2020 from the same period a year earlier
  • Bars and pubs are substantially affected: turnover decreased by 45.5% over the same period, the number of persons employed fell by 34.6%

WIESBADEN – Regional lockdown, social contact restrictions, curfew: the measures now taken to contain the corona pandemic hit the restaurant industry particularly hard. This branch, which comprises restaurants and cafés, caterers and bars, has recorded substantial declines in turnover since businesses had to close in March because of corona. According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), turnover in real terms (price-adjusted) was 40.5% lower in March to August 2020 than in the same period a year earlier.

When the individual months are considered separately, it turns out that the largest year-on-year decrease of turnover was recorded in April (-68.3%). Since then, business has recovered step by step. In August 2020, turnover in the restaurant industry was only 22.3% lower than in August 2019.



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