Press Getting married in times of the corona crisis: number of marriages down by 29,200 in the first six months of 2020

Press release No. N 059 of 21 September 2020

  • 139,900 marriages in Germany between January and June 2020; 169,100 marriages in the same period a year earlier
  • Wedding day - a date easy to remember: above-average number of marriages in February 2020

WIESBADEN - Those who had decided to tie the knot in spring 2020 got the short end of the stick from the middle of March. Municipal authorities limited their services substantially owing to the coronavirus pandemic. Many registrar’s offices reduced ceremonies to a minimum, while some of them were closed at all. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that 139,900 couples married in Germany in the first half of 2020. These were 29,200 less compared with the same period of the previous year. Since reunification in 1990, the number of marriages in Germany was lower only once in the first half of a year: in 2007, the number was 138,800. Then July was a very popular month to get married (because of the date 07.07.07).


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