Press Well over a quarter of 25 year olds still lived in their parents' household in 2019

Press release No. N 045 of 5 August 2020

  • Sons stay longer at home: 34% of the 25-year-old sons lived with their parents in 2019, while the figure for daughters was 21%
  • Luxembourg is the exception: everywhere else in the EU, daughters leave home earlier than sons
  • Average age of leaving home was 23.7 years in Germany, which was somewhat lower than the EU average

WIESBADEN – The desire to be independent, studying far from home or entering employment – there is a variety of reasons why young people move out of the parental home. But not all young adults move out. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that more than a quarter (28%) of the 25 year olds were still living in their parents' household in 2019.
The pattern of moving out of the parental home has hardly changed over the last 20 years. In 2000, roughly 30% of the 25 year olds were living under the same roof as their parents.


Average age of leaving the parental home, 2019, in selected EU countries

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