Press Retail turnover in the 1st half of 2020 up 0.8% on the 2nd half of 2019

Considerable differences between the individual retail trade branches

Press release No. 317 of 20 August 2020

Retail turnover, 1st half of 2020
+0.8% on the 2nd half of 2019 (in real terms, calendar and seasonally adjusted, provisional)
+1.5% on the 2nd half of 2019 (in nominal terms, calendar and seasonally adjusted, provisional)

WIESBADEN – According to provisional results of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the real, calendar and price adjusted turnover of the retail enterprises in Germany was 0.8% higher in the first six months of 2020 than in the second half of 2019. In nominal terms (not price adjusted), turnover increased by 1.5%.

European data on retail trade
Results on retail trade in other EU countries are contained in the Eurostat’s database. At the moment the database includes data for almost all countries for Mai 2020. Furthermore, a press release on the turnover of the retail trade in an EU comparison is planned for 7 August 2020.

German EU Council Presidency
As of 1 July, the Federal Statistical Office will organise the meetings of the Council Working Party on Statistics to be held during Germany’s EU Council Presidency under the chairmanship of its President Dr. Georg Thiel. Information on our activities during the Presidency of the Council of the EU is provided at

Methodological Notes
The revision tables provide information about the impact of the updates on the results.

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