Press June 2020: employment unchanged at previous month’s level after seasonal adjustment

Employment down 1.3% on June 2019

Press release No. 284 of 30 July 2020

Persons in employment resident in Germany, June 2020
-1.3% on the same month a year earlier
-0.1% on the previous month
0.0% on the previous month (seasonally adjusted)

WIESBADEN – Roughly 44.5 million persons resident in Germany (national concept) were in employment in June 2020 according to provisional calculations of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). Compared with the previous month, the number of persons in employment decreased by only 1,000 (0.0%) in June 2020 upon seasonal adjustment, thus remaining nearly unchanged. Without seasonal adjustment, however, the number of persons in employment was down by 35,000, or 0.1%, in June 2020. This month-on-month development is substantially below the relevant average for June in the past five years (+36,000 people).


Employment decline stabilising

The number of persons in employment decreased by 1.3% (-586,000) compared with June 2019. This means that the decline in the number of persons in employment has stabilised year-on-year. From May 2019 to May 2020, the rate of change had been -1.3%, too. Compared with February 2020, the month before the coronavirus pandemic broke out in Germany, the number of persons in employment was down by a seasonally adjusted 1.4%, or 655,000, in June 2020.

It should be noted that, according to the employment account and labour force survey concepts, short-time workers are not counted as unemployed but as persons in employment.

Number of persons in employment in 2nd quarter of 2020 down 1.4% on 1st quarter of 2020 upon seasonal adjustment

In the 2nd quarter of 2020, the average number of persons in employment whose place of employment was in Germany (domestic concept) was roughly 44.7 million according to provisional calculations. Upon seasonal adjustment, the number of persons in employment was down by 618,000, or 1.4%, from the previous quarter. Detailed results for the second quarter of 2020 will be released on 18 August 2020.

Unemployment rate at 4.5%

Results of the labour force survey show that 1.97 million people were unemployed in June 2020. That was an increase of 39,000, or 2.1%, on May 2020. Compared with June 2019, the number of unemployed persons increased by 653,000, or 49.2%. The unemployment rate was 4.5% in June 2020.

I. Employment accounts
Persons in employment whose place of residence is in Germany 1
YearMonthOriginal valuesSeasonally adjusted 2
personschange on
previous month
change on the same month
of the previous year
personschange on
previous month
1 Results of employment accounts as part of national accounting: persons in employment whose place of residence is in Germany (national concept). The respective time series for persons in employment whose place of work is in Germany (domestic concept) are presented here.
2 Seasonal adjustment by X13-ARIMA method using JDemetra+.
II. Labour force survey
Unemployed persons and persons in employment 1
2020 2
Previous monthSame month of the previous year
2020 2
1 Persons in households aged 15 to 74 years.
2 Estimation based on the previous period due to limited data collection.
3 Share of unemployed in the labour force (persons in employment and unemployed) aged 15 to 74 years.
4 Share of persons in employment in all persons aged 15 to 74 years.
5 Trend cycle component (X-13-ARIMA method using JDemetra+. calculation by Eurostat
Unadjusted values
Unemployed persons1.971.932.11.3249.2
Persons in employment42.1742.
percentage shares%percentage shares%
Unemployment rate
Employment rate 467.967.70.368.3-0.6
Adjusted results 5
Unemployed persons1.861.822.21.3240.9
Persons in employment42.4442.48-
percentage sharespercentage pointspercentage sharespercentage points
Unemployment rate
Persons aged under 25 years5.
Persons aged 25 to 74 years4.
Employment rate 468.368.30.068.5-0.2

Detailed data and long time series are available from the GENESIS-Online database. The data on persons in employment from employment accounts are available in tables 13321-0001 (months) and 13321-0002 (quarters) and 81000-0011 (years). Data on persons in employment and unemployed persons from the labour force survey can be found in tables 13231-0001 to 13231-0003 (months)

Methodological notes:

The differing comparative periods must be taken into account in all press releases on short-term indicators. Short-term economic monitoring usually focuses on comparisons with the previous month or previous quarter. These reflect short-term economic trends. A comparison with the previous month/previous quarter can only be meaningfully interpreted if the data have been seasonally adjusted. A comparison with the previous year is intended to offer a long-term comparison of levels and is not subject to seasonal fluctuations. During the current coronavirus crisis, the strong decreases especially in March/April 2020 and the slowly emerging recovery may produce highly different results for the comparison with the previous month/previous quarter and the comparison with the previous year. Both of the two perspectives are important: what is the short-term economic trend compared with the previous month/previous quarter, and how far has the catching-up process gone compared with the previous year’s level? In order to provide also a direct comparison with the pre-crisis level, all press releases on short-term indicators available in seasonally adjusted form will from now on include a comparison with February 2020 or the 4th quarter of 2019.

Due to the corona pandemic, estimating the numbers of persons in employment and of unemployed at present involves higher uncertainty than usual. In addition, data collection problems have affected the estimation of unemployment figures.

In addition to calculating first employment data for the reference month of June 2020, the provisional monthly, quarterly and annual employment results were recalculated from 2016 as part of the regular revision of national accounting results. All sources of employment statistics that had additionally become available by the time of calculation were taken into account for the employment accounts.

For the monthly and quarterly employment figures in the period from 2016 to 2019, the recalculation has resulted in year-on-year change rates which are by a maximum of 0.1 percentage points higher or lower than the results published earlier. In March and May 2020, however, the figures were down by 0.2 percentage points and in April 2020 by 0.4 percentage points. The rates of change in the annual averages have remained unchanged.

The number of persons in employment from the employment accounts differs from that of the labour force survey. The differences are due to the different conceptual approaches (national or domestic concept) applied in the two statistical systems. For more information on the reasons why the results of the labour force survey differ from those of the employment accounts please refer to the explanatory notes on the statistics.

Persons in employment and unemployed persons are counted according to the employment status concept of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Therefore, unemployment as shown here must not be confused with registered unemployment as published by the Federal Employment Agency in accordance with the Social Code. In the European Statistical System, the results of the labour force survey are used as a standard basis for calculating unemployment rates.

The microcensus and the integrated labour force survey were redesigned both in technical and in methodological terms; the new approach was introduced at the beginning of 2020. For technical reasons, data collection has been limited since the beginning of this year. Therefore, the results as from January 2020 were determined by means of an estimate based on the results for the previous period, considering current developments.

Results of the employment figures are available on the “Corona statistics“ webpage of the Federal Statistical Office together with other indicators which can be used to assess the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.

Crisis Monitor allows comparison between corona crisis and and financial and economic crisis
The employment figures are also part of the Crises monitor“, which is used by the Federal Statistical Office to compare the development of major short-term indicators between the corona crisis and the financial and economic crisis of 2008/2009. The “Crisis Monitor” complements the “Corona statistics“ webpage, which has provided statistical information on the economic and social consequences of the corona pandemic since early April.

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on employment accounts/
on the labour force survey

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