Press Just under two million jobs benefit from minimum wage increase in 2019

Press release No. 238 of 29 June 2020

WIESBADEN – In April 2019, there were 1.4 million jobs in Germany for which workers were paid the statutory minimum wage. That is 3.5% of all jobs in Germany.


The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that, mathematically, for 527,000 jobs (1.3% of all jobs) hourly wages of less than the minimum wage of 9.19 euros were paid. Compared with April 2018, just under 2.0 million jobs benefited from the increase in the minimum wage to 9.19 euros on 1 January 2019. In April 2018, mathematically, 2,491,000 jobs were below the minimum wage applicable in 2019, while in 2019 the figure was 527,000. This is shown by data from the earnings survey and the structure of earnings survey that refer to the reference month of April.

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